... one completely 'abandons' one's blog. Apologies to the nil readership, I don't even have a viable excuse. I have simply been going through an incredibly lazy patch. And of course, when I did decide to metaphorically pick up the pen and begin to type, the internet was cut off. Five days sans wi-fi and I remain to tell the tale. Yet this is all boring information. I have MUCH better news to divulge, but ah, not yet. When -if- all is set in the most concrete of stones I shall elaborate. Possibly pictorially. With hand gestures. And crazy hair. Which has sadly re-grown to its usual chaos since my seemingly empty promises of salon coiffed perfection.
For now though, let's put a smashing fashionette spin on this terribly constructed return to blogging. I intend for my life to get far more exciting, but for the moment here are a few garments that my feelers are gravitating me towards. I am:
1) Loafing in loafers. Sueded, slightly upturning flat blacks with a spot of leopard print inside. I feel slightly Aladdin-like when I wear them, a comparison my sister immediately drew. Yay or nay, I don't really care, they look pretty damn good with everything.
2) Slipping on slippers. No, I'm not joking, or wishing to make use of a fantastically witty pun. Genuinely, I have just invested in the most heavenly slippers. So, watch this space, I'm not going to give anymore away as they deserve a bit of a fanfare and photoshoot. Wait with baited breath until one of my siblings returns with a camera, a cruddy Blackberry photo will not do justice. Plus I still don't know how to upload them...
3) Jeaned up. Noir style. Everyone's bringing out their inner fetish - right? Sadly I also played the leather game, back in Spring sometime. While I remain slavishly devoted to my leather trousers, I'm feeling a branch out, taking it down a peg or three and returning to restrictive roots: black skinny jeans. Yeah, Moss did it way back, yeah they're more rock-age than bondage. But whatever, I can get away with chucking on sequin boleros AND my beauts dip-backed gold shirt. Cheshire just couldn't handle that with pleather I fear. However, I'll be mot(d)acylcing up my leathers on location in a few weeks time perhaps. Take what you want from that hint, you ain't getting any more.