Tuesday 13 September 2011


Finally everything is moved in and there is a bit of a glow about the place - although that may be down to my many bizarrely shaped lamps. Not long to enjoy though it though, as guess what folks, I'm off to London to do some fashion week coverage for the very lovely people at modacycle.com and modacycle.de. Hopefully I'll see some fabulous shows, meet fabulous people, do fabulous things and all in all wear fabulous clothes. I am looking forward to going a bit crazy on the clothing front, because you know what - IT'S ALLOWED! Needless to say, I am rather excited -if I was on tumblr there would be some dancing cat jif or whatevarr here- despite being an obvious newbie again, complete with awestruck face. Must remember: BE COOL. Or failing that, at least composed.

P.S With any luck I'll find someone to document progressive outfit changes and shenanigans over the next week. WARNING: my 7 yr old cousin might be weilding the camera.

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